A Happy Pooch Makes a Happy Human!


We all already know that dogs have aΒ serious impact on our lives. After all, they’re the reason we rush home at night, wake up early on weekends, spend countless hours in sub-zero and scorching temperatures when we could be curled up at home with the heat or the AC pumping, etc. Here at Out-U-Go!, they’re even the reason we have jobs (yes, that might be a bit on the extreme side, we know…)!

It’s interesting to think about all of the things that we would or would not do without those adorable little furry faces in our lives. As studies have shown, pup parents have an overall tendency to be more active than their pup-free neighbors. In my experience though, not only will your furry friend determine how much exercise and time outside you might get, he or she will also determine your overall hobbies.

Take Treasure for example, one of Denver’s finest and most fearless (as our Highlands walker, she spends her day with a plethora of adorable pooches but they certainly don’t come small!) Out-U-Go! dog walkers. One of the first things that Treasure told me when I was interviewing her for the position was how Cinder, her Doberman-lab mix, has basically taken skiing out of the equation for Treasure. Instead, they’ve taken up snowshoeing, an activity that our for-legged counterparts can enjoy just as much, if not more, as us. Getting my dog, Bosco, has had a similar effect on my life. Having moved to Denver in September, I was wavering back and forth as to whether or not I should reconnect with my childhood skiing memories. For better or for worse (I am leaning towards better–snowshoeing is a much cheaper and calmer sport), my outdoor adventures this winter involved much more steady uphill climb than speedy alpine descents. Well…except maybe for Bosco…he quickly learned that he can run down a snow covered slope, throw himself on his back and sled on down, no joke. When all is said and done, how could I possibly deny the Bosc a day in the snowy mountains when he is part husky?

Frado, one of the newest members of our furry family, has introduced a very particular past-time to his human family. Frado, a Cavalier King Charles, absolutely LOVES bubbles! He will chase them and bite them and pop them and if the bubbles ever stop coming, he will bark them back to life. It’s just about the most adorable thing you will ever see! And thanks to his little puppy obsession, his pet parents have been able to reconnect with their inner-child and spend many sunny afternoon hours blowing bubbles.

Even when pups don’t introduce us to new sports and hobbies, they certainly encourage us to pursue them to their fullest. In my neighborhood, I regularly see skateboarding pups. Well, okay, they’re not actually skateboarding but they’re running full speed ahead with a skateboarder on the other end of the leash. And they sure seem to love it!

Next time you find yourself playing frisbee or throwing a ball around or camping or hiking or basically partaking in any outdoor activity, just ask yourself if you’d be doing this if it wasn’t for your pooch. I guess that despite the many sacrifices that we find ourselves making for our furry loved ones, there is really only one thing that we can say to them: Pups, you ROCK!

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