Out-U-Go! staff meetings typically involve bagels, coffee, orders of business and staff members sharing some of their experiences working at Out-U-Go! It usually becomes clear that some of our Pet Parents’ homes produce more stories than others and at a recent meeting, one particular household of dogs proved to have A LOT of stories (mostly about poop). Of those stories, one sticks out in particular…
To protect their anonymity, let’s refer to the dogs as Penny and Gretta G. Now, Penny and Gretta share a special flare for life as well as anything and everything edible and not edible. As such, it’s not uncommon for them to crap on the floor… but hey, even the best of us have the occasional accident.

Like most dogs, these two shed a lot so their owner purchased a Roomba to keep the hardwood floors clean while he’s at work. If you don’t know, a Roomba is a Frisbee sized robot vacuum designed to roam the house cleaning the floor while you’re at work. Between a mid day visit for the dogs from Out-U-Go! and a hard working Roomba, this Pet Parent had a lot to look forward to every time he opened his door after a hard day at work.
One day, like all days, Penny and Gretta’s owner kissed his two beautiful dogs goodbye, released the Roomba to do its thing and drove off to work. A few hours later our walker arrived to find a house full of diarrhea and a hard working Roomba.
As it turns out, the standard Roomba is not equipped to clean a house full of diarhea, but not due to any lack of effort. By following the parallel diarrhea tracks around the living room and noting the skid marks of partially-dry diarrhea with wheel tracks through them, our walker could clearly see the Roomba’s morning long effort to vacuum up diarrhea. Because the Roomba has a sensor that determines whether an area is clean or whether it needs more vacuuming, it diligently attempted to clean several areas with back and forth motions until the sensor read clean. Had the Roomba been mounted on a WWI tank it might have had a chance, but alas, the standard model uses plastic wheels and the sensor never read clean so back and forth it went. Despite giving it the old college try, our walker wasn’t able to get the floor completely clean, just like the Roomba.
Upon hearing of this incident, our office staff picked up the phone and called this Pet Parent at work to inform him of what happened. He responded with mostly curse words. Penny and Gretta bounced back fairly quickly and were ready for their mid-day walk the very next day. The Roomba, however, was never the same.