Tag Archives: humane society


Tallahassee Dog Event: Dog Wash to Benefit the Pups at Leon County Humane Society

It’s that time of year again!! Spring is quickly disappearing, and it is warm enough for dog washing.

The Leon County Humane Society (LCHS) yearly dog washes are in full swing! All funds raised in this season’s washes are used to pay medical expenses for the adoptable companions of the LCHS.

Out-U-Go! pitched in the afternoon of May 10, 2014, to wash doggies in the shelter’s shaded backyard. We had a blast sudsing up a bunch of soggy doggies!

For more info and a full listing of 2014 dog wash dates, visit Leon County Humane Society.

Doga Day for Charity is coming up fast on August 6th!!!

Out-U-Go! and Boulder’s Natural Animal hospital are teaming up again on an awesome event for charity!  Doga, otherwise known as Yoga for Doggies, will be featured.  On August 6th from 1pm – 4pm, we’ll all be hosting the Doga Day for Charity, a fundraiser for the Humane Society of Boulder Valley.  For just $5 you and your pooch get:

  • A Doga lesson with Yoga instructor, Steph Schwartz, of the Bali Yoga Retreat
  • A massage for your dog by certified canine massage therapist, Lisa Simmerman, of Stella Earth
  • Fresh-baked dog treats from Paws Barkery
  • Grilled hot dogs, sodas, water, chips, and treats for the humans

What a deal, right?!  

This will be a great time for pups and people regardless of doga or yoga abilities and experience 🙂

When:  Saturday, August 6th from 1 PM to 4 PM

Where:  Outside of Boulder’s Natural Animal Hospital at 685 S Broadway in the Table Mesa Shopping Center

Who:  Co-hosted by Boulder’s Natural Animal Hospital (www.bouldersnaturalanimal.com) and Out-U-Go! Boulder (www.OUTUGO.com)

What:  A cooky, crazy canine event to raise funds for the Humane Society of Boulder Valley