Our furry pal, Azul, has been part of the OUG! Madison family since we opened! Here, she reflects on her year of visits with us as we celebrate our Wisconsin location’s first birthday:
How long have you given your B.F.F.s at OUG! the privilege of providing your walks, love, and belly rubs?
I’ve been B.F.F.s with Out-U-Go! since I moved to Madison with my mom and the cats last June. I like diving into snowbanks here on my walks!
What’s your favorite part of your visits?
It’s hard to choose a favorite, but I’d say KISSIES! ..then TREATS.
How many total belly rubs do you estimate that you’ve received from your OUG! pet sitters?
About a million billion.
Do you want to share with us any funny stories from any of your visits or walks?
This was my very first Halloween in a real home and I discovered pumpkins, the best food-toy ever! They were everywhere, but my mom wouldn’t let me carry them home from our walks. Our new neighbors gave me pumpkins, though, to keep in my yard, so I could play soccer with them and chew on them.
Just out of curiosity, who’s your favorite cat?
Lewis hisses at me, and Bismarck sleeps on my head, so Isabelle is my favorite. I love to give her lots of kisses!