downers-grove-dog-walker pet sitter Jenny

Meet Downers Grove Pet Sitter, Jenny N!

Meet Downers Grove’s pet sitter, dog walker, cat chin scratcher, & so much more..Jenny N!

My furry family: A spoiled Yorkie Maltese mix princess named Nikki and a 13 year old tabby cat named Mindy

My favorite walk is: Graue Mill

My favorite place to take a nap: A warm sunny beach

My favorite treat: Tiramisu

My favorite game: Currently, Monopoly. I’m on a winning streak against my family.

Best toy ever: My new pink iPhone

Best thing to do on a sunny day: Go for a hike

Best thing to do on a rainy day: Watch movies

Best gift ever: Tickets to my favorite music festival.

My super power would be: The ability to read minds.

Life Philosophy: Carpe Diem

If I could say one thing to the whole world it would be: Adopt pets! There are so many sweet furry friends out there that deserve a second chance at happiness!

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