I’m in charge of: Being your pet’s best friend who they think you know nothing about! I am the giver of all things wonderful. Walks, treats, love…Oh my!
My furry family:
- Kiwi, my pug. She is my heart. And best friend. She is the cutest, sweetest pug who ever pugged. And the ruler of the cats.
- Weezer is the best cat ever. No, seriously, everyone says so. Just don’t leave your eyeglasses out! ::chomp::
- Stacia is a black and white beauty who has an affinity for stinky shoes, licking wet hair, and meowing “now!” when it’s dinner time.
- Nunu is a delicate beast of a cat who will talk your ear off if you let her.
- Bug is a feral cat with a heart of gold. He is the funniest little guy, if he lets you see that side of him.
- My super power: It’s a tie between being invisible or reading minds! Imagine the possibilities!
Best thing ever: Coconut anything!
Hidden Talent: Parallel parking. Composing and singing songs for my pets and yours! Planning and hosting themed parties.
Life Philosophy: You get what you give. Also: if it feels good, do it twice!