When people know you’re in the dog walking world, they talk to you a lot about the weather. In the summer, we often hear “Dog walking must be the perfect job!” In the winter (especially this winter with Chicagoland’s Polar Vortex) that often turns to, “Dog walking must be really hard!”
Yes, the winter challenges our Pet Sitters. You’ve got to bundle up, find a parking spot in the mounds of snow, take your boots off in the house, put on the pups’ coats & booties, encourage pups to take care of business in the cold, wipe the snow off pups (stop to blow your nose), take your boots off again, take the pups’ layers off, etc. It’s a few extra steps, BUT, we love it! We are so lucky to swoop into your home in the middle of the day and let your pup know he or she is loved and cared for.
However your pups feel about the cold, they love to see their favorite Pet Sitter each time he or she visits. As for us, getting licks on our frozen noses makes winter weather worth it!
And kitty visits this time of year? Now THOSE are the cat’s meow! π